Thursday, July 16, 2009


For young teenage runners to excel in their sport, they not only need to practice to stay in shape but also eating the right foods everyday. This blog will explain all the things long distance runner's need in their weekly diet, the amount of calories that is sufficient, the different macronutrients and micronutrients
needed for an average active teenager and a three-day diet plan that is great for their body.

If you want to become or already are a runner, you can also read this blog to learn about the benefits of running from both a mental and physical stand point. Enjoy!!

By: Parker T.

Recommended Caloric Intake

Everybody has different caloric intake needs. Some need more calories, and others don’t. To find a good starting point you should use a calorie calculator. The calculator is going to ask for your weight and activity level. But, there are some variables when you run such as temperature and terrain (hills, etc.). For example, you burn more calories in warm weather than in cold weather and running up and down hills takes more calories than running on a flat street.

Another way to find out your personal caloric intake is to make a training log. Training logs are more accurate then the calculator because you can make side notes about where and when you ran. To make a log, write down all of the foods and calories that you consumed. Then, run to a distance that you prefer. After the run, if you feel tired or are not recovering properly you should consider eating much more calories to see if this improves your performance.

Here is a sample of a training log:

Calorie Calculator:

I cannot tell you the exact amount of calories you need to take because everyone is different and unique. But, the quality of calories is very important. Sure, you could load up on calories from fat and sugar, but it wouldn’t make the best runner you could be. Instead, you should be getting calories from heart-healthy sources, like whole-grain wheat and lean protein. So don’t be lazy. If you want to become a great runner, then create a training log and find out the right amount of calories for you.

By: Justin Lee


There are three different types of macronutrients, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Macronutrients are nutrients that you need a large amount of in your diet. Runners need macronutrients to sustain their energy throughout the race. Carbohydrates are the prime energy sources of the body. You need proteins because they are your body’s “workers.” For example, proteins help transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Fats are important because they supply calories, energy, and help absorb vitamins for the body. As you can see, you need all three macronutrients in your diet plan in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For example, about 45-65% of your caloric intake should be carbohydrates, 20-35% should be fats, and 10-35% should be proteins.

Here are some samples of diets (Can you determine if they are good or bad?):

By: Justin Lee
Macronutrients Worksheet


Carbohydrates are another main source of nutrients for teenagers especially long distance runners. These nutrients are high in energy which runners need to make it through practice and meets. Foods that include carbohydrates are whole grains, fruits, beans and even candies. Carbohydrates aka carbs are not as strong in energy as fats but many foods that have carbohydrates in them usually are a good source of fiber too.

By: Shatanu Sharma


Proteins are a very important nutrient for teenagers especially for one that runs long distance. These nutrients are used to grow and repair tissue. Although, proteins are important, they do not give a teen as much energy as carbohydrates or fats.

By: Parker T.


Although, many people feel that fats are bad for you, they are actually a very important part in a teen's diet. There are two types of fats; saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are fats that are found in meat and other animal products, such as butter, cheese, and all milk except skim. Saturated fats are also in palm and coconut oils, which are often used in commercial baked goods (the kind you buy in a store). Eating too much saturated fat can raise blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. Unsaturated fats are fats found in plant foods and fish. These may be good for heart health. The best sources for unsaturated fats are found in olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, albacore tuna, and salmon.

By: Shatanu Sharma


According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, the word micronutrient means “a chemical element or substance required in trace amounts for the normal growth and development of living organisms.” In other words, you only need about 100 micrograms a day of a micronutrient. Some examples of micronutrients are vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, K). Vitamins can do multiple things for a runner’s body, or anyone’s body as a matter of fact. Vitamin A helps your vision, vitamin B helps increase your metabolism, vitamin C helps the body fight infections, vitamin D helps strengthen your bones, and vitamin E helps your skin, and vitamin K helps the body transport calcium.

By: Justin Lee
Computer Dictionary


3-day Diet Plan

Day #1

Breakfast: 1 banana
whole-grain cereal (with protein)
glass of milk

Lunch: 1 somen salad (opt. tofu)
1 apple (w/ skin)
1 bag of Sunchips

Dinner: 1 serving of grilled salmon (opt. rice)
1 mixed green salad

Snack for the day: almonds

Day #2

Breakfast: 1 serving of Yoplait light yogurt (other brands if you want)
2 eggs (any style)
1 glass of orange juice

Lunch: 1 hamburger with tomatoes, lettuce, onions
1 caesar salad (opt. any style of dressing)

Dinner: 1 stir-fry vegetables (opt. w/chicken)
Whole-grain pasta

Snack of the Day: Chocolate (preferably dark)

Day #3

Breakfast: 1 orange or avocado
1 serving of oatmeal (opt. added fruits)
1 glass of cranberry juice

Lunch: 1 Ham and cheese sandwich on whole wheat
Slice of Watermelon
1 glass of milk

Vegetarian Pizza
1 tossed salad

Snack of the Day: Strawberries

Note* All meals should include 1 glass of water as an additional drink

by: Parker T.


So get out there and start running! Remember, if you want to become a great runner, you need to eat the right amount of calories, the right choices of food, and do what is good for you. An easy way to make sure you are eating enough calories is to create a training log. There are good and bad types of calories. You can get good kinds of calories from whole wheat grains, lean protein, and heart healthy fats. When you know you have enough calories to train for running, you should go for it! Running can help increase your cardiovascular fitness and decrease your stress and blood pressure. But best of all, you feel better about yourself and you can increase your self-esteem just by running.

By: Justin Lee